Bathtub Spraying or Enameling

Bathtub Enameling

A bathtub is used by all members of a family on a daily basis, so its appearance must be maintained in good condition. A clean white surface is important not only in terms of aesthetics, but also hygiene and safety for every occupant of the apartment. Over time, the cleanliness and shine of the bath becomes more and more difficult to maintain. This is due to the wear of the enamel layer covering the cast iron or steel product.


Enamel, which is applied to the bath in industrial conditions, is hard and strong; it has an intense gloss and a bright white color. The main disadvantage of the material is its fragility and susceptibility to even minor external impacts.

Cracks appear on the enamel from impacts and a sharp change in temperature, scratches may appear from the fall of heavy objects on the tub, and the porosity of the material structure cannot prevent the penetration of contaminants deep into the coating.

What is enameling/spraying for?

If such changes appear on the surface of the bath, it is impossible to get back its whiteness, gloss and hygienic cleanliness even with the most thorough cleaning. To return it to its aesthetic appearance and pleasure of use, it will be necessary to reglaze the enamel coating.

A worn out surface can be worked on at home. This will extend the life of its use and for some time delay its replacement and its inevitable repair.

Bathtub enameling is the coating of a prepared surface with a two-component epoxy enamel.

Viscous, thick and dense paint designed to restore the top layer of domestic bathtubs, shower trays and even swimming pools.

Due to its consistency, the enamel lays down in a sufficiently thick and durable layer, covering small irregularities and roughness.

The smooth glossy finish creates an aesthetic look comparable to new one. Enameling can be done by you and at minimal cost.

All work is carried out with affordable materials and tools that are available in any hardware stores.

Bathtub Spraying

How to enamel a bathtub at home?

Proper preparation is essential for a newly re-enamelled tub to last longer and look better. You should start by disconnecting the mixer, siphon, fittings for drain and overflow holes. If it is not possible to move the tub away from the walls, then the joints must be sealed with masking tape.

The next step is the most important – you need to clean the old enamel so that the surface becomes rough and uniform. To do this, use sandpaper with cleaning powder and carefully, with effort, work on the entire bathtub. Particular attention should be paid to areas with pronounced defects – scratches, detachments and cracks.

After cleanup, all the resulting dust is removed from the bath, washed and degreased. Enamel is prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions, mixed with a hardener and brought to the desired consistency. For work, you can use a roller or brush of a convenient size and good quality.

The substance is applied, as a rule, in 2-3 layers. The first, primer, is thinly distributed, filling all micropores, and allowed to dry a little. The second and subsequent layers are applied in a dense layer, making the surface uniform in color and relief.


Epoxy enamel dries in air, the optimal temperature is 68-71 F. After complete drying, the surface is washed with soapy water and the product can be used again.

Enamel coating pros

  • Bathtub enameling is a good way to refresh the interior without starting a long and expensive repair;

  • You can cope with the work on your own, special skills and tools are not required;

  • Enamel is a very affordable material that will fit into even a very modest budget.

Bathtub Enameling White Tubs

Enamel coating cons

  • Tub enameling gives a good, but short-lived effect;

  • The strength of epoxy enamel is much inferior to powder, so the coating is easily damaged and loses its appearance;

  • The material has a sharp chemical smell, which creates significant inconvenience for the residents of the apartment and neighbors;

  • The coating takes a long time to dry and it will be impossible to use the bathroom for several days;

  • If the bathtub has significant defects, enameling will not be able to hide them;

  • Brushes, paintbrushes and rollers that apply enamel can leave marks and fragments of junk on the painted surface.

In order to restore the surface of the bathtub to last a long time and with an impeccable result, we recommend resorting to a more modern and effective method – coating with liquid acrylic. It provides a much more durable and high-quality refinishing for the bath, with which its service life will increase many times over. You can get advice and choose the most appropriate refinishing option by contacting us.

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